
Why collect vomit bags?  Why not !


For those who won’t read till the end, know that I would like to thank Jonathan P. for his invaluable help. Without him, this site would have remained just a project. I promise, Jo, I won’t tinker with WordPress’s ACF anymore!


So, my first bags were souvenirs from my flights. I wanted to bring something back and I wasn’t allowed to bring a seat or a window  🙂 And then, about 15 bags later, I started talking about it a bit, then more often : this is how you become emetaerosagophilic.


This type of collection often makes you smile, but we are a bit like guardians of the memory of certain airlines that have now disappeared.


There are extremely rare and unobtainable bags, limited series and special editions, so our quest is endless, like a stamp collector looking for an1847 one penny red !


There is a small community of bag collectors around the world, I have the pleasure of interacting with some of them, all really nice people!


This site is strongly inspired by the one developed by Marc de Kort, the Belgian founder of Thank you for your influence!


I would also like to highlight the contribution to our « science » of the three creators of, including Gerhard Lang, never shy of details when I consult him.
Almost 10.000 different bags from more than 1.250 airlines in about 190 countries all over the world are listed on…  When we have reached this point, we must no longer smile, but applaud!


Help me collect more bags, talk about it, get postmen around the world to work by sending me bags.


You know, bags from the same airline may appear identical at first glance. However, there are many details that make a bag unique from another seemingly similar one.


I will happily accept every bag sent. If I have a duplicate, I might be able to exchange it with other collectors or help a beginner expand his collection.



Emmanuel Deyrieux


Impressum is here